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Monday, April 30, 2012

Rapture before July, 2012?

   I know if you have clicked on this link it is probably because you want to see the next "doomsday prophet", well I bring you not a message of doom, per se, but rather, a grand and glorious event that is to occur in the next few months. Before you exit off of this page I plead that you actually read my facts, and what the Lord Himself has shown me. I will do a brief review of my recent posts:
   First, in the years 2014-2015 there are a total of four lunar eclipses, each on Jewish feasts:

            Passover                                 April 15, 2014
            Feast of Tabernacles              October 8, 2014
            Passover                                 April 4, 2015
            Feast of Tabernacles              September 28, 2015
   Those are the dates of each blood moon, now you are probably wondering what a lunar eclipse has to do with anything, well the past has proven that it does play a great role in God's prophetic timeline. In the past, there have been only handfuls of these blood moon patterns. There were only 6, or 7 in the last century. But what amazed me was that they fell on important years concerning Israel. For instance, there were blood moons concerning the re-birth of Israel in 1948. In 1967 there were the same pattern of blood moons; they fell on feast days. Coincidence?
   When Christ was crucified there were the same patterns of blood moons, but an amazing fact which I have just learned while studying is that there will be no more blood moon occurrences in this same pattern for another 500 years! How is that important? Well, consider what happens in the tribulation itself: "I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood." Revelation 6:12 There has to be a blood moon to fulfill this prophecy! And the parable of the fig tree which Jesus spoke of concerning Israel; He said that the generation that saw Israel become a nation again would not pass away until all these things (The rapture, and the second coming) be fulfilled. “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors!Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away."Matt. 24: 32-35 The Psalmist says that a generation is 70 years, unless by strength, it is 80 years. When you add 70 years to the time in which Israel was born, it adds to be 2018, you subtract the 7 years of tribulation, and you get 2011. You add 80 years to 1948, and you get 2028, you subtract 7 years, and you get 2021. So the rapture will definitely be from now until 2021, but I believe it to be much, much sooner. 
   Now, my second fact; On July 2, 2019 there will be a total solar eclipse. This is important to know because for one thing it is exactly 7 years from July 2, 2012, and because Jesus said: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken." Matt. 24: 29. What does immediately mean? It means Immediately! So how do these relate? I believe that the solar eclipse in 2019 is the fulfillment of the prophecy in which Jesus spoke of. With that in mind, let us take the estimate, and subtract the 7 years of tribulation; if you subtract the last 3 1/2 years you get January 2, 2016, so lets jump ahead real fast; Stay with me,(this is BIG) from now until July 2, 2012, is 63 days, that is important in knowing this beginning of the great tribulation. If you take the date January 2, 2016, a subtract 63 days, you get October 31, 2015. So, if you take these facts, that would put the start of Great Tribulation starting From October 31-January 2, 2016. Is it a coincidence that the blood moons correspond just about perfectly with the total solar eclipse in 2019. 
   If the eclipse on July 2, 2019 is the very eclipse at the end of the tribulation, then that would mean that this year the rapture will happen by July 2012. It will fit the tribulation perfectly. And the month of May is very significant because May 27 is Pentecost. Also, on the dates of May 20-21 there will be a NATO summit in Chicago. Now, we can't know what will happen there, but I have an uneasy feeling about this one, and how it's happening so close to what I think is the beginning of the tribulation. Also, if this all wasn't enough news, I have just learned that on May 20, there will be a solar eclipse observed from nearly ever part of the U.S. Again, let me ask, Coincidence? 
   Is it possible Jesus will return at the same time as when He gave us the Holy Spirit? I'm not setting a date by any means, but just look around! Look at the signs! Our messiah is coming! We're about to fly!!! God bless! 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Israel, Earthquakes, and War, Oh my!

   I've learned some vital news concerning World War III. Many have scoffed and said that we would never see another world war, well I've got news for you; It's coming. According to Debka file, Advanced U.S. Stealth F-22 fighter bombers were transferred to Al Dhafra, (200 Miles from Iran). Also I would like to show you an excerpt from Debka File: "According to our sources, the F-22 jets will join the F-15s of the Massachusetts Air National Guard’s 104th Fighter Wing which were transferred to the Al Udeid base a month ago.
Their mission will be to destroy the Iranian air force and air defense batteries so as to clear the way for US and Israeli bombers to go into action against Iran’s nuclear sites and the strategic infrastructure of its army and Revolutionary Guards Corps."
   So, you see, there is no denying a U.S./ Israel strike is imminent, and, if you look where the United States Flag ships are, they are getting as close as they can to Tehran. The U.S.S Enterprise is also said to be docking as close as it can come to Iran with out setting off any alarms, Jebel Ali. We are all witnesses to a build up of World War III. If you haven't I urge you now to check out my other posts about the Ezekiel war. I go into more detail on the many different Nations that will attack Israel, but for now, I will summarize it. The leader of the attack, who is known in Ezekiel as Gog (possibly Putin) will have "hooks set in his jaws" by God, and be pulled down to Israel (See Ezekiel 38). Now with this in mind, take into account that Russia, and Iran are allies. If there was to be an attack on Iran, Russia would technically be pulled in to war. So that scenario fits perfectly, we've already seen where Russia has stated that "an attack an Tehran, is an attack on Moscow." 
   We are edging very, very close to war. And this won't just be war with Iran; Every one will be pulled in, and thus will all have a need for peace. The antichrist will go forth and conquer with His peace treaty with Israel. Of coarse there will be nations that will not accept the treaty, but as the red horse of the apocalypse shows, the antichrist will make war with those nations. 
   World War III. The biggest war, next to Armageddon.
   I'd like to also point out the increase in earthquakes as well. If you look, the middle east, and the Mediterranean are heating up. This is significant because God will use the elements to send back the attackers of Israel. I believe it is only a matter of time that the U.S. and Israel will make an attack on Iran, I believe it will be in May, or June. Just look at the signs! When you put this together with the signs in the cosmos (see other posts) you can see that we are seeing prophecy unfold! If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your savior, I pray you do! Before it's too late! Jesus is coming! Don't be Left Behind!  

Thursday, April 26, 2012

"Christians" left behind?

   When reading Jesus' parable about the 10 virgins, I started thinking; What did all 10 woman have in common? They were all virgins. The only difference is that 5 were wise and had oil in their lamps and 5 were foolish and were not prepared for the coming of the bride-groom. Jesus has shown me that the virginity of these women represents of coarse them being "Christians", and they all were waiting for Jesus, but they were not ready to meet Him.
   There are "Christians" who know everything there is to know about bible prophecy, and yet, they don't know that the grand subject is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. I too was this way for a long time, but Jesus said unto me, "If I take you unto myself, you will not know me." We must prepare our own lamps for Jesus. Yes, we must be excited for His return, but we must know Him to be caught up to Him. We cannot expect Him to rapture us if we are not right with Him. We are His bride. The bride of Christ shall rise, but my question to you is "are you prepared to meet the groom?"
   Lastly, concerning those who are left behind. The comforter will be removed along with the Christians. With His absence you will feel no conviction. It will be just like it was before Pentecost. With the entire trinity absent from the earth it will be hard to be saved. Lawlessness will be rampant. And if you think the morales in today's world are bad, wait until they don't have the "annoying" voice in the back of their head telling them right from wrong. So, I do not know how it will all work in the tribulation, but I do know this; Don't take for granted what we have now. We have the comforter. He comforts us, convicts us, and teaches us. Don't grieve the spirit, because He won't be here for long, and niether will we. Pray that you are accounted worthy to escape what is coming, and I can not emphasize this enough: Don't be left behind because your lamp is empty!
God Bless.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's a Zoo Out There.... But Not For Long.

   Therefore the land will mourn;

And everyone who dwells there will waste away
With the beasts of the field
And the birds of the air;
Even the fish of the sea will be taken away.
Hosea 4:3

   This year alone more than 800 dolphins have washed up dead on the coast of Peru. 800! In February, 179 dolphins washed up on the shore of Cape Cod! 7 million bats have died due to disease! And they go on and on! This is prophecy being fulfilled! You can't say that it is anything else! We are getting really close to the imminent return of Messiah, Jesus Himself. I plead with you! Jesus could come by this Summer! Now, I'm not setting a date, but if you just look at the building tension in the middle east; a single spark could ignite the bomb of all bombs.... World War III.
   I just want to bring to everyone's attention that we are running out of borrowed time. Jesus is waiting as long as He can to take His people away, but I believe that at least be the Fall of this year the rapture will take place. It's impossible to set a date. We were told that we can not know the day nor the hour, but signs indicate that we are so near. Jesus is even at the door! Don't be left behind! Accept Jesus! Before it's too late!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

188 day cycle, and the 6th Seal Judgment.

   We all know about the infamous sixth seal judgment:  "I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood." Revelation 6: 12. Well I have already covered in recent posts that these next four blood moons in 2014-2015 will be part of the 6th seal judgment, however there are other parts to this equation. For instance the great earthquake. There is a cycle in which the planet is aligned a certain way every 188 days. At the end of each 188 days, or around that end date a major earthquake occurs. For example:

   Chile - February 27, 2010 - 8.8-magnitude
   New Zealand - September 4, 2010 - 7.1-magnitude
   Japan - March 11, 2011 - 9.1-magnitude
   Fiji- September 15, 2011 - 7.2-magnitude
   Mexico- March 22, 2012- 7.4-magnitude
   Each earthquake has been directly on or around that date. With this in mind when you continue to add 188 days to March 22, and when you finally intersect with the date of the first blood moon in 2014, April 15 to be exact, there is a difference of only about 2 days!!!(you get April 13) So if the 188 day cycle continues to be faithful the 6th seal judgment will be in the month of April, 2014, on Passover. I know it is a stretch to say, but all the signs point to it. He has given us the Sun, moon and stars for a reason. Things are shaping up almost like clock work! Can you hear it? The Trumpet is about to sound! The 188 day cycle, and the blood moon tetrads both correspond to a big Jewish holiday. Coincidence? I don't think so. Look up! Your redemption draweth nigh!

Tracking the Tribulation

   By the title, I'm sure you are already skeptical, but let me assure you that I recieved this revelation from the Lord as I was reading the prophecy that Jesus made about the end time. He said in Matthew 24: 29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give her light..." This is a big piece in the prophetic puzzle. He didn't tell us this just to tell us a story. He told us this for a purpose so that we could dicern the  signs of the times! He gave us the sun, moon and stars for a reason!
   Now, here is the revelation I recieved. On July 2, 2019 there will be a total solar eclipse. A total solar eclipse! The Sun will be darkened! And, obviously if the sun can't reflect off the moon, it too will be darkened! But now remember, Jesus said this would happen immediately after the tribulation. We don't know how far after, but we just know it will be immediate. Now first if you subtract 3 1/2 years (the great tribulation) from 2019, the year that the sun will be darkened, and you get 2015. Subtract another 3 1/2 years and you get 2012! 
   But it doesn't end here. 
   If you take into account of the blood moons that are to occur in 2014, and 2015 (2 per year, and they all fall on the Jewish holidays of Passover and Tabernacles) these make for signs! Big signs! The other times this pattern has occured this way was when Christ was crucified, when Israel became a nation in 1948, and when Israel captured Jerusalem in the 6 day war in 1967. And it is going to happen again in 2014, and 2015! 
   We all know that midway through the tribulation the Antichrist will cut off the sacrafices made by the Jews in their 3rd temple, and there the Antichrist will sit and proclaim he is God. I believe these blood moons indicate the Abomination of Desolation. And, not only do these blood moons count for signs, but they are part of prophecy: "I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood." One of these blood moons indicate that it could be part of the 6th seal judgment.
   And another thing. I know most of you have read my post about the parable of the fig tree. I will not go into that theory because I already have, but it could also mean when Jerusalem was taken in the 6 day war in 1967. And Jesus said that generation would not pass until all these things be fulfilled. Well the average life expectancy for the entire world is about 52 years. You add that to 1967 and you get 2019. You subtract the 7 year tribulation and you get 2012. Just another way to interpret scripture that I found interesting. But I believe without the shadow of a doubt that the rapture will happen this year! Yes, you heard me. We can't know the day, nor the hour but we can know when it is near. Even at the doors! Are you ready? Do you find these facts scary, or do you know where you are going to be when all these things take place? You can know for sure. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior. Give your life to Him and ask to be accounted worthy to escape the wrath to come before it's too late! The tribulation is (if Jesus doesn't tarry His coming) going to start this year! Please be ready! Get saved by the blood of Jesus before it's too late. If you want me to pray for you, comment, or email me please. God bless.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Peace Among Destruction.

   The Holy spirit has shown me through research something incredible! I mean, this really puts into perspective how close the rapture is! I want to first show you a verse: “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring - Luke 21: 25.
Okay with that in mind, I will show you yet another verse: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Matt. 24: 29 
   On July 2, 2019, according to NASA, there will be a total solar eclipse, and from my understanding there won't be a total solar eclipse until then. Let's say for the sake of discussion that the prophecy which Jesus spoke about (the sun being darkened) is in fact in July, of 2019. It would be right after the tribulation. Now of coarse we don't know the tribulations start date, so we do not know how many days will separate the end of the tribulation, and the prophecy which Jesus spoke of. Now stay with me, because it gets better...
   In, 2014-2015 there will be 4 blood moons; two per year. These are the dates with their Jewish holidays:
Blood Moon Occurrences 
-April 15, 2014- Passover
-October 8, 2014- Feast of Tabernacles
-April 4, 2015- Passover
-September 28, 2015- Feast of Tabernacles 
Solar Eclipses
-March 20, 2015- Adar 29/ Nisan 1(new year)
-Sept 13, 2015- Feast of Trumpets

   Not convinced there is something to this yet? Then let's go back to the "Parable of the Fig tree".
“Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. Matt. 24: 32-35.
   Israel (the fig tree) became a nation in 1948, if you were to add a generation (which according to the psalmist is 70-80 years ((Psalms 90: 10)) from 1948 you would get 2018 if you added 70, subtract seven(the tribulation) and you would get 2011, stay with me, I know 2011 is over, but let's add 80. You get 2028, again, subtract seven and you get 2021. So the rapture will absolutely be between now, and 2021, but guess what, if we take into account of the two eclipses in 2019, that takes off two years, at least from the tribulation. So an estimation is from now, until 2019.
   But then we take into account of the blood moons! Every time these blood moons fall int he pattern, and on Jewish holidays something BIG happens to Israel. These blood moons are set in a pattern to show us the Abomination of Desolation. 
   And another verse that helps put all this into perspective is Joel 2: 31-                                                   The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
   See what I mean? BEFORE the great and awesome day of the Lord, which is Armageddon. Now, even with this information, I will not dare try to be a date setter, but as you can see, signs point to the rapture to occur possibly this very year. The Gog/ Magog war- (Ezekiel 38) where Israel's enemies attack her, and her enemies are destroyed. The Prophecy of St. Malachy- Where St. Malachy said he received of vision of every pope all the way to the 112, which will be the last one (which I also believe the last one will be the false prophet) every pope he prophesied about has been a fulfillment of his prophecy; we are on the 111th pope, and he is thinking about resigning! The burden of Damascus- (Isaiah 17) Where Damascus (which is in Syria) will become a heap of ruins. Look at what's going on in Syria! And nobody can do anything about it! Look at the increase in earthquakes! "Are you serious???"-Paul Begley. This month has been the biggest for earthquakes. We've already seen 9.0's!!!
   Look up, my friends. You can not deny that Jesus is coming; He is even at the door! If you are scared by this information, there is a way you can have eternal peace. Jesus Christ offers that peace. Accept Him before it's too late! I'm pleading you take this information to heart! The rapture is about to happen, and if you're left behind, it will be a literal "hell on earth". Don't turn away from the truth. The truth that God loves you. You yourself are a living miracle if you are not saved. How? Because God has had mercy on you for so long. Please accept this 100% free gift. It will be the best gift you ever get! Jesus loves you with all His heart, and He wants you to come to Him! Don't exit out this computer screen without knowing for sure what your fate is: With Jesus in Heaven with no pain, worry, doubt or fear, or with Satan, the antichrist and the False prophet in hell to suffer eternal torment and agony. You have a choice. This is the biggest decision of your life. Trust in the savior, He will give you rest in these troubling times. There is much more to say on this subject of End times prophecy, but I will constantly be making updates when the spirit leads. I love you, and so does God. Accept His son Jesus who died just so you could spend eternity with Him. He really does love you.
Perfect Love Casts out Fear 

The Apocalypse is Rising.

   Just this morning, major events have been taking place within the earth. Events that were foretold some 2,000 years ago. I do not write this to scare you, but to inform you so that you might see these events unfold without it catching you off guard. As world powers escalate, so does earth shaking events. We have all hear about this Iranian regime, and how we have not acted in a proper way to quell this governments lust for Nuclear weapons. Well, I believe, and my facts do prove to back me up, that God is tired of this regime as well, and He is giving them signs, and warnings. 
   Just today, on the Iran-Iraq border, there were a total of 3 quakes measuring from 4.1-5.1 mag. on the scale. Now of coarse if you were to go to a seismology web site, it would tell you they have lowered the magnitude, however, I am sticking with what has been recorded. Not only have earthquakes been escalating, but volcanic activity is being awakened as well.
   In Mexico city, the volcano Popocatepetl shot a molten rock up to half a mile into the air. This, I believe is a fore sight to what is to come. Revelation 18:21 Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “Thus with violence the great city Babylon shall be thrown down, and shall not be found anymore. Makes sense, doesn't it? You can not deny we are living prophecy. 
   There is much more I could say, but I am not feeling 100% today, so I would like you to look up and affirm what I have said. And again Brothers and sisters, look up, for your redemption draweth nigh. God bless.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The beginning of the end.

   This year, regardless of the Mayan calender has been, and I believe will be a very eventful year. We are only four months into 2012, and we have seen a variety of world events occur, and some more are on the way. We have seen the tension with Iran escalate to dangerous levels. Also earlier in the year we had to worry about the death of the Euro, which is still a situation that needs to be carefully watched. India is now also in the war games, they have stated that they are planning to test launch a long-range missile! And do I really need to remind everyone about the Earthquake escalation just this month? Just today we had a 6.5 earthquake in Chile with no serious damage! And a 7.0 in Papua New Guinea! These earthquakes are increasing and becoming more and more powerful.
   I just wanted to bring to everyone's attention that this year is possibly the beginning of the end. I believe it is, based off the bible of coarse, but if you just look at other sources as well, some you will find are too accurate to ignore. I am speaking of St. Malachy's prophecy. St. Malachy prophecied that there would only be 112 popes. He gave a clue that would allow us to recognise each pope when he came into power. I'm not going to go into all 112, but I want to go into the last pope. (Please look them up yourselves, I want you to learn for yourselves, and frankly, I can't write that much...): 
"In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit [i.e., as bishop].
Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations:
and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed,
and the terrible judge will judge his people.
The End."

   I have already went over the interpretaion in another post, feel free to go and read that, but Peter the Roman's similarities to the False prophet are astounding. And with Pope Benedict the XVI's health failing, the 112 pope (the false prophet) is right at the door! There is a lot more I could say about this, but I want you to research yourselves. 
   This post will be cut short. I just want you all to know that that is only one of the VERY many reasons I think we are living in the final moments before the Tribulation period. God bless.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Great falling Away

   I'm writing this entry not only because I have witnessed prophecy unfold, but also because I have been apart of a major prophecy. Just before the return of Messiah, there will be a great falling away. I regret to say, I have been apart of that falling away. I am still a student of prophecy, don't get me wrong, but the devil has used that love to get in between the love I have for Jesus. I am going to write a personal prayer below for two reasons. 1) to get it down in writing for my own future reference, and 2) because if this has happened to me, I know it is happening to other believers that need to also turn back to Christ. Okay, here goes:
   God, I hardly know what to say. Father, I have back-slidden, I've let my own lusts, and my own will to get in the way of your will. I have become a prime example of your parable "the prodigal son", and God, I want to come home! I've cried until no more tears were left in my eyes. I've eaten the slop of iniquity! My God, I long for you embrace! I have been a slave to sin for so long! But God, Father, Lord, I want to be a slave for you! I just want your love back! I have sinned against you and I'm deeply sorry! My Lord, set me free of my sins, and help me turn back to you, before it's too late! I know you've cast my sins away from me, and I know they are covered by the blood of Jesus, but I still feel so unworthy! Unworthy to be even called your son! Lord, please forgive me and take me back. I can't live- no, I can't breathe without you Lord! Jesus. Please accept me back! I'm so sorry! Your child, Marcus.

   I hope that is not as painful to read as it was to write, but if that is your prayer, comment, or email me. I love you, and so does God! We are literally living prophecy! Please let me know if I can help you!

Friday, April 13, 2012

World at War... Literally.

   Pressure is growing. Can you feel it? Pressure on the world as we creep closer and closer to war. This war will be a literal World war. North Korea, Iran, Russia, and many Islamic nations are the antagonists of this performance. God is the director, but the Antichrist will say the world is all over his control. What is the next scene on this play for the Christians? The Lord is telling me, for us, it is the Rapture. Be prepared. I would like to bring a few things to light. 
   Recently, we've seen an escalated amount of events take place in our world today. Events from disasters such as the recent pick-up in earthquakes, to North Korea launching a failed missile. Not only that, but recently a few other followers of our Lord were attacked; I am included. People have implied that we are false prophets. But I say unto you that this was prophesied, as well as the earthquakes, and even the mess North Korea has to clean up. But I would like to show you what the Bible says about the last days (and I know for a fact that we are living in them) and the imminent return of the Messiah Himself, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God!
   I know you are asking yourself why are you even reading this? And you hear this little voice over your shoulder saying "This fool does not know what he is saying", and "do you really think after all the other prophets that came before him, do you think that makes him any different? He will try to set a date, the date will pass uneventfully and everything will continue exactly how it was since the beginning of time."
   That voice you hear....
   Is Satan.
   The deceiver.
   The father of lies.
   But before you listen to that voice and click off of this page, listen to the Word of God first, and see if this verse matches your train of thought:
   "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation."  2 Peter 3: 3-4

   I think the bible has spoken for itself. It has described to you exactly what many people believe. I've been warning people that World War III is coming into play, and just a few days ago a girl told me "are all the ships in position to attack Israel?" (of coarse she said this in a mocking tone) but the worse part is that she is a sister in Christ. I have been mocked for my testimony. It hurts. But I know it is a fulfillment of prophecy. But I will also say that part of that verse is true for me as well; I have been walking in my own lusts. It's a battle I face every day. It's a battle EVERYONE faces daily! But we cannot sit back and say "well I know God will forgive me so I'll do what I want now." 
   God is a God of love and forgiveness, but He's also a righteous God. He proved that through many events in history, to name a few: The Flood. Men looked at Noah like He was crazy! It hadn't even rained on the earth ever! And they said his laboring was foolish, but when the rains came, and when people wanted to get inside the Ark, God had sealed the door shut. They missed their chance. True story. Sodom And Gomorrah; God told Lot to flee the city! They were living in sin! Flee your sin, Flee your sin! But they would not. God had said if He could find 10 righteous men in the city He would save Sodom and Gomorrah. But He didn't. Is that how it will be for America? I pray not.
   The whole purpose of this article is to wake you up! This time period of grace will not last forever. When Jesus returns, who will He receive? Those that are not watching, or those that are? If you know that if Jesus returns today, will you be received by Him up in the clouds, or will you be caught in your sin like a thief in the night? 
   No man is righteous, no not one. You have sinned! I have sinned! But God sent His one and only son to DIE for you! And for me! That we might be eternally right with God. If you have questions about salvation, comment below, or e-mail me. I love you. Jesus loves you. Watch and be ready. God bless you.
I hear a sound,
of a mighty rushing wind,
and it's closer now,
than it's ever been,
I can almost hear the trumpet, 
as Gabriel sounds the call,
and at the midnight cry,
we'll be going home!  

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Signs of the Times

   What I am going to say today will shock, astound, offend, and even cause people to scoff, however I will be providing fact, and my own beliefs, in which many others share.
   So what exactly is the exciting news in which I intend to share?
   It is the fact that I honestly believe that the tribulation will begin this year. Maybe even as soon as this month, or May! Now, I'm sure you are scratching your head saying "Well doesn't the Bible say we can't predict the Rapture?" That is true; we cannot predict the imminent return of the messiah, however I honestly believe we can pin point around the date that the tribulation will begin. How? I'll show you the facts.
   From 2014-2015 there is a pattern of blood moons that fall directly on both Passover, and Tabernacles. In history we see that when these blood moons fell on the very same pattern a major, major event takes place concerning Israel. A few examples are:
     -Jesus was crucified during this same pattern.
     -Jerusalem became a nation in 1948, the pattern fell on 1947-1948.
     -And in the pattern of the 1967-1968 when Jerusalem was taken back in the 6 day war.
   As you can see, during these patterns when these blood moons occur on Passover, and Tabernacles, a major event takes place. The next event, the one that will take place within the cycle, in my opinion, will be the Abomination of Desolation.
   Just a minor thought here, (minor in my writing, but major in God's prophetic plan) is that IF the tribulation would start on April 11th, 2012, if you added 1260 days (3 1/2 years) it would fall exactly on Yom Kippur, which is around the Feast of Tabernacles of 2015. I'm not going to set a date, but I really want you, my fellow Christians to not pass me off as some false prophet, because the Lord has revealed this to me. It is even in scripture! 
“And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring;" Luke 21:25 NKJV.
   God has given us the ability to know around when all these things would take place. He has given us the sun, moon and stars! The sun has had so many flares, we've never seen anything like it! It could almost be tied into The Son (yes, a play on words) and how His anger is now beginning to explode, just like that of the sun. The moon and it turning to a blood color the same as it has in the past when a major prophetic event was to take place. We can not rule out the stars! We know more about the stars now than we ever had. Some scientists say that these stars are lined up the very same way they were when Jesus was on earth. 
   The distress of Nations. Need I even say anything about that? Syria? Libya? The sea and the waves roaring. Tsunamis in this century have dramatically increased. I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out these are the last days. Or should I say the LAST of the last days. I don't say that lightly. I believe it. Here is just another evidence also from scripture that what we will witness in the next few Months was prophesied. 
“Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place." Matt. 24: 32-34
   The disciples, as you can imagine, thought that Jesus was obviously speaking of their time that all these things would take place. However, it is in our generation, I believe. And when I say generation, I mean when Israel became a nation in 1948. That was God's prophetic time clock. When that happened, He told us that the generation that saw it happen would not pass away until all these things be fulfilled. Of coarse He was speaking of the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Great Tribulation, and His second coming. As I have said before, the Psalmist describes a generation as 70-80 years: Psalm 90:10
The days of our lives are seventy years;
And if by reason of strength they are eighty years,
Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow;
For it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

   If we were to add 70 to 1948 we get 2018, you subtract 7 ( the Tribulation period) and you get 2011. Obviously the Tribulation did not start then, otherwise, we would have been raptured, and the Antichrist would have taken the scene. But the psalmist says "And if by reason of strength they are eighty years" When you add 80 to 1948 you arrive at 2028, of course subtract 7 you get 2021. So without a doubt the Rapture will be between the years of 2012, and 2021. 9 year time span. And it's shrinking. This year to me, however seems to be the biggest chance for the Rapture. How can I say that? Well, the blood moon tetrads I spoke of earlier back me up.
   The Lord is coming. That is a fact. He has been warning very many people. Joel 2: 28 reads:
“And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,

Your young men shall see visions. 
   I have heard of many people receiving revelations from the Lord. I have received a few myself. I do not think there is much more that I can say to get you to believe that this year will possibly be the year of the rapture. I hope as a believer you can feel what some would call "cold feet" (when those who have a desire to marry, but have a feeling of fear. There is a marriage about to take place. We are the Bride. The church is the Bride, and the bride groom is about to break through those clouds at any moment! He has given us more and more information about the rapture and the end of days than we need! But I feel lead by the spirit to say this as well...
   For those of you who still say "well, I've heard that Jesus was coming back all my life, what makes this year any different?" Well, this year, we have undeniable proof. The tetrads, the parable of the fig tree, all the prophecies that Christ Himself predicted! When you're reading this I can assure you that satan is on your shoulder leaning into your ear saying "Ah, come on, do you really believe that? You've heard it all your life! Just live! Don't worry about what's coming, if God is a loving God, He'll provide for you, He won't hurt you." I want to tell you on all the authority of the word of God that He is a God of love, but He is also a God of righteousness. He will judge the world, and if you do not ask forgiveness of your sins you will die in your sins! Just because you get saved and say a little prayer does not mean that you do not have to repent! What I have shared today should not have you scared, but rather it should have you rejoicing in God for His mercy for allowing you another chance at salvation!
   I pray you will accept Jesus into your life, because time is almost up. When the trumpet is blown, and you are left behind, you will have to pray that God will some how have mercy on you during the next seven years. Jesus is coming.... Are you ready? 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Jesus is Coming!

   Alright, Guys, I believe without the shadow of a doubt that I am being led by the spirit to write this. I myself have no clue what He wants me to write, but I will let Him take control. 
   Yesterday 2,000 years ago our Lord and Risen King road triumphantly into Jerusalem on a lowly Donkey. The people shouted "Hosanna! Hosanna!" They saw our savior being led as a calf to the slaughter! 5 days later Jesus hung on a cross for our sins. WE nailed those nails into His hands. WE put a crown of thorns on His head. WE pierced His side! WE spat in our Lord's face!!! But He died for US!!!! But He didn't stay dead. Ohhh Glory To God HE IS ALIVE! Amen! Amen! Amen! Praise Jesus HE IS ALIVE! Satan thought he won, oh Satan thought he won. He bruised Jesus's heal, but Glory to God Jesus bruised his head! And ever since, satan has been on a rampage. We are seeing signs of war, but most importantly signs of Jesus' coming! 
   Just today satan used a gunman to martyr 7 believers in Oakland, California, at a college university. Are you serious??? 7 followers of Christ! Our brothers and sisters! But he didn't stop there.... ohhhh no. Now he's going on a broader scale. Now we can see the very beginning of World War III!!! You think I'm joking? Just look at the news! The US, Israel, and Greece are doing Naval military exercises in the Mediterranean!! And Russia and Iran are preparing for a retaliatory strike if The US, or Israel bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. 
   Now that I think about it, back when Jesus walked His final week before His crucifixion, I'm sure people thought it was a regular week. But behind the scenes PROPHECY WAS UNFOLDING! It's unfolding now!! Not only are we witnessing the work of satan, but we're seeing "super"-natural phenomenon unfolding! An Asteroid flew past the earth on April 1st. And you'll never guess where... CHRIST CHURCH NEW ZEALAND! Are you serious? If that's not enough, look at the mass animal deaths! This was prophesied in the book of Hosea, chapter 4, and verse 3 saying:
     Therefore the land will mourn;
And everyone who dwells there will waste awayWith the beasts of the fieldAnd the birds of the air;Even the fish of the sea will be taken away. 

   Just google "mass animal deaths" because it is nearly impossible for me to record them up here just from 2012!!! And have you heard the booms around the world? There is no scientific explanation for them! I've heard it right here in North Carolina! No explanation! The trumpeters in God's kingdom are warming up! Get ready folks! If you have not accepted Christ as your Lord, and savior do it right now. He loves you, and He proved that on the Cross! He died so that you might live! Please give your life to Him before it's too late! He loves you! Please! Jesus is coming!!!!