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Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Harbinger. Rosh Hashannah- Sept. 16.

Sorry for my extended absense for those that read my blog posts. I would like to apologize first for writing too anxiously. I should have consulted with the Lord more before making quite a few posts. I have been proven wrong before, and I may be proven wrong again, but I would like to lay the information on the table.
I have some incredible information concerning Barak "Are you insane" Obama. ( I must add right here to forgive any spelling errors, as I am not on my computer, but rather on my phone).
Now to the good stuff:
As many of you know they are currently rebuilding the World Trade Center. On August 2, 2012, Obama signed a beam that was placed on the 104th floor of what I will call the "Modern day tower of Babel.' Why 104? In the Muslim faith, they believe they have 104 "Holy Books". See the connection?
So what did Barak Obama write on this slab of stone? Basically the whole meaning of Isaiah 9:10-11 (I think(like I said I am on my phone and not on my computer so I can't check the refrence now)). But basically Obama inscribes on the piller "We will rebuild and We will come back stronger.
Now, I don't want to put this man on the spot, but Paul Begley, a brilliant youtube pastor and end times watcher, posted a video about it a few days ago.
In Daniel Ch 12, Daniel is given a few different time lines. The first is 1,290 days. If you count the days from Obama's inaguration on January 20, 2009 to August 2, 2012 there are exactly 1,290 days. Coincidence? But then later on in the chapter Daniel writes that the person who waits 1,335 days is counted blessed. What is 1,335 days from Obama's inaguration? September 16, 2012. Otherwise known as Rosh Hashannah. The Feast of Trumpets. What will happen? I don't know, and I don't claim to know. But I just find it all facinating how all of the dates seem to corinate.
I will try my hardest to continue writing, however, I cannot promise I will be able to write about every Breaking News that happens. This was just a little food for thought. Feel free to look up Pastor Paul Begley on Youtube. Thank you for being patient during my absence. Your brother in Christ.