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Monday, August 26, 2013

The Down Fall of Syria, and the Rise of Antichrist

John Kerry says that the use of Chemical Weapons in Syria is "Undeniable". We could be just days away from Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49 being fulfilled. You cannot tell me that they have not already been fulfilled because if they were, Damascus would no longer be here. In the prophecy it says that Damascus will be "taken away from being a city". As of right now, it is still a city. 
But not for long.
If the U.S. confirms (And I believe Kerry's statements foreshadow this) that Syria used chemical weapons it will not be good for the Assad regime, but it also will not be good for us.
Russia has said that if we attack Syria without a U.N. mandate, then we would be violating International Law, and being Syria's ally, Russia will fight for them.
Warships are being moved to the Mediterranean, and Russia is beginning to decend down, also possibly preparing for war with Israel.
Here is how I see this playing out. Just note that SEVERAL prohecies are involved:

First, The United States makes a missile strike on Syria, and Israel mandates a no fly zone over Syria. The ball gets roling. Syria fights back at Israel. Israel is forced to used heavy weaponry (possibly nuclear weapons?) on Damascus, hence Damascus is taken away from being a city [Isaiah 17].

Second, the surrounding nations (though in support with Israel to topple the Assad regime) feel that Israel has extended her bounds, and the nations that immediately surround Israel attack her [Psalm 83].

Third, fighting escalates in the middle-east. But Israel comes out victorious, as prophecied through God's help. Israel gains back a ton of land including a portion of Egypt [Isaiah 19[we have witnessed every part of that prophecy except that 5 cities in Egypt will speak Hebrew, meaning that Israel will take them].

Fourth, Israel sits as a mighty conquerer in the Middle-East, and for the most part, the war declines, however, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Ethiopia, Libya, and several others come against Israel which looks to be the biggest onslaught in history. But as the attackers decend apon Israel, God's anger is shown by a huge earthquake in Israel, fire and brimstone and hail falling apon the attacking forces. [Ezekiel 38 & 39]

Fifth, nations around the world take up arms against Israel, but the Antichrist comes apon the scene and confirms a covenant with Israel and the rest of the world, possibly allowing them to have their temple in exchange for a Palestinian state. [Daniel 9:27]

Now, I understand that it does not have to play out this way, but it is logical, no? It only takes one spark to light a war. Thinks are really beginning to happen. All it would take would be Obama saying "fire missiles into Syria" and BOOM. We're on the brink of WW III.