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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Revealtions of Revelation.

   Only moments ago, God began to help me put the pieces together. It was like one of those moments where it just smacks you in the face and you understand. I now understand a great deal about what will possibly occur this year. There are many reasons I believe what I am about to reveal. Not all of my sources are based on what the bible says specifically, however, when compared, make a great deal of sense. The Tribulation could possibly begin this year!!!
   My first evidence it the St. Malachy prophecy. For many of you that do not know, St. Malachy was a the first Irish saint to be canonised by a pope. He claimed he was given a vision by God that there would only be 112 popes in the Catholic church, and the last pope, the 112 pope, he claims will be known as "Peter the Roman". This is his prophecy:
   "In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations:
and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed,
and the terrible judge will judge his people.
The End."

   Now, this can be interpreted in several different ways, how ever it is safe to say that this "Peter the Roman", could possibly be the False prophet.
   Here are some reasons.
  • "In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church..." Technically they are a part of Christianity, however Catholics do not believe what other "Born again- Bible believing Christians" do. This could possibly mean that the catholic Christians will be persecuted greatly. Some believe Peter the Roman will lead a terrible reign as pope.
  • "The city of seven hills (Rome) will be destroyed..." Possibly from one of the judgements mentioned in Revelation?
  • "The terrible judge will judge His people" it's almost a mirror of the events in Revelation!
  • "The End" Exactly what it says.... The End. 
   You decide what it means, but to me, it's a possible indication that Peter the Roman is the False Prophet. The pope now is Pope Benedict XVI, it is said he could possibly "retire" by April or May! You put it together...
       The next evidence is the recent Earthquakes happening. You tell me I can't predict earthquakes? I tell you I know about the time an earthquake will occur. How? The 188 day cycle is a cycle in which every 188 days the planets are aligned to a point where it causes a major earthquake somewhere in the world. Here is the proof:
              -Chile Earthquake- February 27, 2010- 8.8 magnitude 
              -New Zealand Earthquake- September 4, 2010- 7.1 magnitude
              -Japan Earthquake- March 11, 2011- 9.1 magnitude
              -Fiji Earthquake- September 15, 2011- 7.2 magnitude
              -Mexico Earthquake- March 20, 2012- 7.4 magnitude
    Each were within 188 days of each other. Not technically precise, however it was around the day it was predicted. Coincident? I don't think so. The next earthquake would be around September 23, 2012, and also leads me to my next point, which ties into this point.
       The webbot system, a system originally designed to predict the stock market ups and downs, also was discovered to have the ability to predict future events. A computer system predicting future events?? Yes, it has been proven accurate too many times. It sends "spiders" to every page on the web, and in short, takes out key words. It takes these key words, which have meanings in the system, and it sort of paints a picture of the emotional state of man-kind. With this it has predicted very many events for it not to be wrong. Here are some of these events:
              -9/11 terrorist attacks
              -Space shuttle Colombia disaster
              -Northeast blackout of 2003
              -Hurricane Katrina
              -2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake
       And many more, but it is predicting war in the middle east, and possibly escalating into World war by Early- Mid Fall, such as August and September. So how does war tie into earthquakes? In the book of Ezekiel, Chapters 38-39 a war, will happen. Russia, and the Islamic nations will attack Israel, but it says there will be a "great shaking in the land of Israel..". Is it any coincidence that the earthquake predicted with the 188 day cycle, and the webbot predictions of war, and the bible's prediction of both, line up almost perfectly?? I think not. 
       Another point I'd like to make, which I know if you've read my posts before, you've hear me  use this portion of scripture, but the parable of the fig tree is a major insight into bible prophecy! Basically the prophecy which Jesus Himself made was that when Israel became a nation, He says that this generation that saw this would not pass away until everything took place, He was speaking of both the rapture, and the second coming. Well, if you take the date of Israel being born, May, 1948, and add 70 years, which the Psalmist says is a generation, you arrive at the year 2019, subtract the 7 years of tribulation, and you arrive at the date of May 2012!!! So the rapture, if this information is correct would have to occur sometime prior or during May. Let me make this clear, I am not setting a date for the imminent return of Jesus, but I am saying we can know when it's near, and it is incredibly near!
        Just think! The return of our Lord could be as soon as May this year!!! Look up friend! Don't let Jesus find you asleep!

    Saturday, March 3, 2012


       "Suddenly" is used to describe our Lord Jesus' coming. It will be suddenly in the "hour that we think not". Obviously, we are expecting Him, we know His coming is very, VERY, VERY soon. But as for the rest of the world, they mock us and tell us that we are foolish, that Jesus won't return in our life time; to that, this is my reply, "Have you been watching Israel?" You see, Israel is God's prophetic time clock.
       How so?
       I have recently wrote about the parable of the fig tree, in which Jesus ties the blooming of a fig tree to the rebirth of Israel. And He added when that would happen, this generation would NOT PASS! Hallelujah! That generation began in 1948! I have stated that a generation according to the Psalmist is 70-80 years! AMEN!! That leads me to believe that JESUS our KING may return between now, and 2021! That's a while from now, but I believe His return will be Oh, so much sooner.
       I have been told by fellow believers that it is not my place to set a date or a time period, they quote the familiar verse in scripture "no man knows the day or the hour that the son of man cometh", and I understand why God didn't tell us the day, or the hour, because no one would have a relationship with Him until that day, however, He told us, He commanded us to know when that day is near! And friend, that day is very near. If you don't believe me, go get your bible. Yes, you can go get it, I will wait.................
       Got it?
       Okay, turn to Ezekiel 38.
       The Nations mentioned in that chapter such as Magog, and Persia, well guess what.... They are the same nations that want to come against Israel! Magog, I believe, is Russia. If you look at the news, Russia's current president is claiming that if He is elected again, he will build Russia's military back to "Cold war strength". What's he planning? If that's not enough evidence, take Persia for instance. Persia is modern day Iran. Iran has made it clear that they are making a nuke with Israels name on it. But guess what.... That was predicted of 2,500 years ago!
       What are the odds of that?
       Jesus is coming, friend. And He is coming quickly. Just look at the signs of the times. And if you aren't ready to meet Him in the air, I urge you to get things right with God.
    "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life;  For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." Jesus loves you, and He proved that on the cross! I pray that if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, I urge you to do it now, before it's too late! I love you, and so does Jesus. Amen
    "Come quickly Lord Jesus!"