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Friday, November 30, 2012

Rapture Dream - 11/30/12 - Very Real & Soon!!!

I have entitled this post "Very Real & Soon" because that is precisely what it is! I've had rapture dreams before, but this was just too real! For the forty minutes I was asleep, my dream was reality! On the downside however, I was left behind. I believe I was left behind to add emphasis, and in a sense, to wake me up and show me that the time to minister to the lost is now! Here is what I remember from my dream:

It was a normal day, actually, it was dawn. I just woke up, and I remember not even noticing at first that anyone was missing. But you know how in a dream, truth is fact and fact is truth? That is the case here. I just knew that the rapture had happened. Nobody tried to explain it away; they accepted it; embraced it - many rejoiced. They knew Jesus had taken away His bride, and they were glad for not having to put up with the "Christians" anymore. I was so distraught. I knew I had missed my chance. I felt horrible. And we just waited. We just waited for the signing of the peace agreement, which some in the dream suggested would happen two years after the rapture. I do not know why two years after the rapture was suggested, but I did not argue. The very thought of going through the tribulation period, in my dream, shook me to my very core. However, Jesus did not allow me to see it. I was awakened from that dream only to have another-

I dreamed that a serpent had crawled up my pants leg, and had bitten me just above my ankle. I yanked it out, but the venom took effect. I wobbled off of the path I was on, and fell into a marsh, only to find more snakes. Creature of all kinds were staring at me; frogs, lizards, snakes, and I even saw two giant turtles attacking each other. I suppose this symbolized a potion of the tribulation, but as I laid there motionless, I knew at least in my dream, it was over for me.

When I had awakened, reality seemed like a dream. For those forty minutes dream was fact! I had been left behind. But then, I heard the voice of the Lord inside of me say "Prepare yourself, for I am coming quickly." I do not know what everything in this dream meant, but I knew it was real! If any body reading this has any interpretation, please do not hesitate to comment. God bless you! 


  1. I gather you understand the first dream, so I'll try to explain the second. I believe it is a clue as to why you were left behind. The snake represents the devil, and you were bit on the ankle, this reminds me of what it says in Genesis - the woman's offspring and the snakes will be enemies. the snake will bite your ankle, but you will crush his head. So it must represent some sort of sin that has infected you. The path you were on was good, but this false belief that you have accepted - up to you to discover - has led you astray. it has led to even more temptations to sin - the frogs, lizards, snakes. |The turtles I believe represent an internal conflict you have. All I can say is pray to the Lord and ask him to reveal this sin as the time is seemingly short. God bless

    1. Thank you. It makes sense, all things considering. Thanks for the advise!
