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Monday, November 12, 2012

25+ States Petition to Recede from the Union

Two days after the elections, states ranging from as far North as New York, to as far south as Texas have had citizens petition to recede from the United States. 15 States have had petitions, and more are ecpected to follow. It is all legitimate. Each state needs 25,000 signatures to have the petition shown to Obama. Obama will make the final decision. However, I believe that if the word gets out about this, the decision will not be his. Make this go viral people! We are at the begginning of a second Civil War!
The states need 25,000 signatures by Dec. 9th, 2012. Here are the sites for reference:

Sign the petition for your state here:

*Update*: As of Monday, Nov. 12, 2012, 20 states have started petitions:

-North Carolina-4,285
-North Dakota-2,829
-New Jersey-2,801
-Colorado- 3,526
-South Carolina-2,989
-New York-3,240

   There are, however, states that have made two or more petitions to gather more votes. As you can see, many states are coming to the realization that if we stay with Obama any longer, we will suffer the same fate that America will face. The America we know, and love is now being brought down. Please, I urge you to copy and paste this blog link, and share it with everyone! And sign the petition in the link at the top of this page! This is an urgent matter!

*Update*: As of Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012:
   Texas, and Louisiana have both received the required signatures (25,000) to get an official response from the Obama administration: At this hour, Texas has 65,132 signatures; Louisiana has 27,312 signatures. Many states are following suit, and the numbers are growing every minute.
   Let me just state that I do not believe the Texan's or those from Louisiana will recede from the union, even though it has only been four days since the start of the petitions, and the numbers are rapidly growing , I do not believe the Obama administration will peacefully allow any state to become their own independent country, however, I do believe this as a wake-up call for Mr. Obama. Over half the country hates him... literally.
   When the response comes from the White House, I will post it here. The reason to sign these petitions are to let your state, and your country know that you are tired of Barack Obama, and that you do not want four more years of his federal spending, and lack of jobs. As always, stay posted.

*Update*: As of Wednesday, Nov, 14, 2012:
   Florida, North Carolina, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Georgia have all reached their required 25,000 signatures for a formal, official response from the Obama administration. Texas is the leader of the signatures, even though Louisiana was the first state to actually start the petition explosions. As I have stated, I do not believe that any states will recede from the U.S., at least not right now, however, it does show the rising tension between the Obama supporters, and those who oppose him. Just about over half of the united states have a petition. There have also been petitions such as "Make the receding states first pay their part of the national debt before they can secede" and "Deport all the people that signed the petitions for their state to secede."
  Friends, this will probably be my last update on this post, as there is really nothing more to report, and if there is, I will make another post. However, just know that these are uncertain times. The Middle east is in turmoil, considering the fact that Syria's own civil war is leaking in to other countries, i.e. Israel. The Obama administration still has not acted on Syria, and more than likely, they won't.
   Does this scare you? It doesn't have to. Civil war doesn't scare me? Nope. Why? Because I have no fear, but the fear of God. God is in control. If the nations secede, and we go into a civil war, God is still God. If our greatest ally in the middle east is attacked, causing us to go into a war to help them, God is still God. Even if we are attacked by Russia, or China, or Iran, we can be sure that God is still God, and He is in control, and He is the friend that you have been searching for, all your life.
   You see, it all began with creation: Adam and Eve were tempted by the serpent, which caused man's fall. Ever since, men would make sacrifices to God for remissions for their sins, but then, Jesus appeared. Jesus laid down His life for you. For you! God sent everything that He loved, His son, that He might gain your love! God loves you, and He wants a relationship with you! Yes! The Lord of the universe desires a relationship with you!
How can I have this relationship?

-Accept that Jesus is the son of God, and accept that you are a sinner, and that without Jesus, you would be condemned to a devil's hell.
-Believe that Jesus died in your place. To take your punishment away from you.
-Confess to God that you are a sinner, and that you want His forgiveness.

Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” ...John 3:3


  1. This is idiotic and if you think another war, especially in our own country, is a good idea and will really change much in the end, you should go back to school. Obama has not done anything that bad, if this country goes down, remember, it has been built up to ruin by many before him. This includes your republicans whom I am certain you support. Also, America includes Canada and the South american countries overall as they are also part of "America", don't forget that. (north and south america). What's your stance for a civil war? hmm, it better be a damned good one to be willing to throw away more lives and waste more money that could be used for something far more productive and good for our country.

    1. I wouldn't call it idiotic, it is just facts given by the links above. Whether it causes another war I hope not. And you are wrong about Obama has not done anything bad (OBAMACARE). And thanks to the previous Democratic president BILL CLINTON, that my job and millions of other Americans jobs went overseas.And if you are old enough to remember when Oliver North told the judge that he was going to get alarm systems for his house and the judge laughed at him and asked why and he replied OSUMA BINLODIN, the judge that was still laughing at him was Bill Clinton. I WOULD BE PROUD TO STAND BESIDE HIM AND SUPPORT THE REPUBLICANS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

    2. Are you fucking kidding me? First of all, your not a "republican", your just a dumbass if you think a couple states receding from the U.S. is going to make this country any better. Also, the approval rating for Obama starting rising after 2010, to near 55% in 2011. He may have made some mistakes, but the recession began long before he was in term. Just because you are unsatisfied with the president you want to start a civil war? You are the reason why everyone thinks the southeastern states are full of nothing but dumbshit rednecks fucking their own cousins. Anyone who signed the petition for their states to recede really needs to have their mental health checked and their citizenships stripped.

  2. fist of all, I don't think that a civil war will happen either way. I believe the UN would step in immediately. Considering the role we play on the world stage, we would be setting us and many other countries up for potential violent catastrophe.

    Either way, no government has ever done a turnaround without a threat of war

  3. Only a strong government and president can help and if we had those two things we would be better off. Instead we have a president that's hell bent to destroy our nation with bigger government and higher taxes! I wish the American people could understand that in order for the government to give them something it has to be taken from someone else! Maybe they would like to goto their neighbors and ask them to give them money just because they stick their hand out and say u deserve it because you are a American!!!!!!!! This was a land of opportunity now its a land of how are we going to make it!

  4. You have got to be kidding me. I am embarrassed to be in all have lost your minds...This is America we are one...united! Put your big pants on, move forward....find a way to make a difference and stop blaming.

  5. If people believe that they have been treated unfairly, or discriminated against. What makes that any different from when we successfully seceded from Great Britain?

  6. politicians and elected state & govt level have set the stage for their own demise, with greed & corruption running rampant. everybody is working to their own end. unfortunately for us: as tax paying citizens, our officials no longer have our best interests in mind. its time ppl wake up & realize this isnt the 1700's anymore. times have changed, the "system" has been long overdue an upgrade. and i for one am tired of waiting and "hoping" for a change. lets do this for our future generations.

  7. Guys, why don't we comment in a nice and civilized way? I don't think there will be any separation. It's a good way to tell the White House a message. After all, these citizens who signed the petition are citizens and have the right to express their opinions. I just hope that the White House will do more than just talking and will not ignore these people. I doubt it though.

  8. This country have moved away from Christ, and the Christian principles that we were founded on. Till we get back right with Christianity this country will never be what it was.

    1. This country was founded on religious freedom, the immigrants that didn't agree with their home governements came to America where everyone should be accepted for who they are and what they believe. Not everyone in America has to be christians, there are plenty of different faiths and they are just that faith in something bigger than any of any one person.
      America is also bigger than any one person, have faith in America like you have in your chosen religion, we will be fine. I fought for our country to protect the rights guarenteed to us, how are we soldiers, airmen, seaman and marines to feel that we fight and die for those who would just as soon take down this great country rather than respect the values that our nation was built upon.
