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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Will we see Isaiah 17 by 2013?

BREAKING: Syria has been mixing chemical weapons for potential use in bombs.

How does this effect us? A senior U.S. official told fox news in an interview that Syrian forces have loaded traces of sarin gas (deadly nerve gas) into their bombs. Sarin gas must be used in at least 60 days until the chemical mixture expires, and must be destroyed.
It is obvious to all of us that Assad does not want to comply to the wishes of the International community, let alone, the U.N. and America. The Assad regime knows that Syria is about to fall, and that fall is soon. United States President, Barack Obama said in a statement to Syria that if Syria uses chemical weapons, the United States would take action. If the United States got involved, Syria would be devastated.
Read Isaiah 17.
Damascus will fall, I just didn't expect it to be this soon. God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that current events in Syria have nothing to do with Isaiah 17 (or Isaiah 7-8 and Amos 1). Isaiah and Amos were contemporary prophets, and both predicted that Syria and Israel would soon be destroyed by the same opponent, Assyria. II Kings 16 shows in detail that their prophecies were fulfilled, and this is validated by historical records as outlined in this article:

    One of the biggest keys pointing to the fulfillment of Isaiah 17 in Isaiah’s own time period is the phrase “in that day” in verse 4. Isaiah clearly prophesied that Damascus and Syria would fall in the same “day” that Israel would fall. And we know that Israel (the northern kingdom) fell in 722 B.C.
