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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Natanyahu's address to the U.N. Sept. 28-2012

This update will be brief, but informative. For those that follow me, I will try to do better at bringing news to you, as I am taking an online journalistic class, so every Tuesday, and Thursday, and maybe Friday, I will bring an update depending on the news.
Israeli P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu is planning to address the United Nations on September 28th even as Obama just canceled a meeting with Netanyahu, saying he does not have enough time in his schedule, even though he has time for David Letterman.
Many speculate that it will be after this address to the U.N. that Netanyahu will finally put the warnings into action and make a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, which, in this writer's belief, would cause a regional war, and possibly the battle where Israel is attacked by her enemies from the North- Russia.
We have been saying for almost two years now that Iran is preparing to attack Israel. Why else would an extremist like Ahmadinejad want "big-boy" weapons? He hates Israel, and I believe that so does Obama. He hasn't given Israel the time of day, but yet, he has put sanctions on Iran that AREN'T WORKING.
After his address to the U.N. I believe it will be a whole new ball game. Netanyahu can get fired up, passionately about his people. I believe there will be some nations that will actually side with Israel. God himself says that He will set "hooks in Russia's jaws" and bring her down from the North. What are those "hooks"? Could it possibly be the attack on Iran, by Israel? Russia has already stated that an Israeli attack on Tehran would mean an attack on Moscow. And if Russia-who has begun to gear up for war by supplying her allies with all sorts of "toys"-gets involved, the U.S. will as well. And might I add, with Syria being a rogue nation, and so close to Israel, they really have nothing more to lose. War is looming. The protests in the middle-east are becoming a very real threat. The muslim's believe it is their duty to do this. To create a literal "hell on earth" to prepare the way for their messiah (the antichrist).
In these uncertain times, who can we trust? We can trust the Lord, God. For He is faithful. He has His hand in this, and He knows the morrow before it happens. Are you sure that if an Islamic extremist were to make a suicide attempt, if you were to be killed, do you know for sure that you would be in the presence of the Lord? Are you saved? Do you want to know peace and joy, even when the dark clouds of this world roll over head? Ask the Lord into your heart. Jesus loves you, and He is soon to return for those who are diligently waiting for Him. Here is how you can be saved:

  1. We must admit that we are a sinner. I'm a sinner. Sin is what kept me from making posts up here. Sin is what separated us from God. Sin is why every bad thing happens to us. We all sin. It's a part of us. We must admit to Jesus that we are sinners. For all have sinned, and fall short of the Glory of God. ....He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins...
  2. We must believe that Jesus is the redemption of sins. By His blood, He washes us clean of all our unrighteousness. We must believe that without Jesus, we are all lost, and on our way to hell. Jesus died for your soul some 2,000 years ago. Salvation is a gift, please take it. 
  3. We must confess our sins. God knows our sins, but He wants us to openly confess to Him our sins. God loves you, and He wants to talk to you. Have you been running from Him? If you have please, just stop, and tell Him you're sorry. Run to Him, and He will wrap you in His arms and never let you go. God bless you friend. Share this with anyone and everyone who is willing to read it. If you'd like me to pray for you, comment, or leave me an E-mail at . God bless you. Until Thursday (hopefully). 

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