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Monday, February 11, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI Resigning! Final Pope!

Pope Benedict the XVI will resign on February 28th, says the Vatican. No reason was given as to why he will resign. However, if you have read my posts before about St. Malachi's prophecy concerning the popes, you know that it is a high possiblilty that according to the prophecy, the next pope is said to "lead his sheep into tribulation". What does this mean? This means that we will possibly know the identity of the man that could possibly be the False Prophet - Peter the Roman!
This is HUGE guys, I mean, this shows how close the Tribulation is!!! And it means Jesus Christ is that much closer to returning!
Read the blog post which includes the prophecy of the final pope, What will happen in the next few years?
Friends, if you are not saved, don't keep putting it off. God bless! Stay tuned!

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